68 research outputs found

    A gradient-based iterative algorithm for solving coupled Lyapunov equations of continuous-time Markovian jump systems

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    In this paper, a new gradient-based iterative algorithm is proposed to solve the coupled Lyapunov matrix equations associated with continuous-time Markovian jump linear systems. A necessary and sufficient condition is established for the proposed gradient-based iterative algorithm to be convergent. In addition, the optimal value of the tunable parameter achieving the fastest convergence rate of the proposed algorithm is given explicitly. Finally, some numerical simulations are given to validate the obtained theoretical results

    Model Building and Optimization Analysis of MDF Continuous Hot-Pressing Process by Neural Network

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    We propose a one-layer neural network for solving a class of constrained optimization problems, which is brought forward from the MDF continuous hot-pressing process. The objective function of the optimization problem is the sum of a nonsmooth convex function and a smooth nonconvex pseudoconvex function, and the feasible set consists of two parts, one is a closed convex subset of Rn, and the other is defined by a class of smooth convex functions. By the theories of smoothing techniques, projection, penalty function, and regularization term, the proposed network is modeled by a differential equation, which can be implemented easily. Without any other condition, we prove the global existence of the solutions of the proposed neural network with any initial point in the closed convex subset. We show that any accumulation point of the solutions of the proposed neural network is not only a feasible point, but also an optimal solution of the considered optimization problem though the objective function is not convex. Numerical experiments on the MDF hot-pressing process including the model building and parameter optimization are tested based on the real data set, which indicate the good performance of the proposed neural network in applications

    Modeling and Simulation Comparison of Real-time Monitoring of Particleboard Hot-Pressing Thermal Conductivity

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    Abstract. In this paper we present a new measure method for real-time monitor of thermal conductivity of the hot-pressing process applied to particleboard. In the particleboard hot-pressing process, the monitoring data of thermal conductivity was modeled and forecasted based on BP neural network and ELM algorithm. The trained network can both accurately harmonize different sets of experimental data and precisely predict the dynamic indexes of thermal conductivity. Simulation results show that ELM prediction method not only overcome the shortcoming of the traditional real-time monitoring mechanism in precision but also avoid the problems of depending on a large number of data with high quality in existing BP network learning

    De la linguistique aux métiers de langues

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    International audienceCet article a pour objectif de rendre compte d’une premiĂšre expĂ©rience professionnelle d’une jeune linguiste en formation dans une entreprise de l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA). Il n’a pas la prĂ©tention d’établir l’état de l’art de nouvelles technologies numĂ©riques, encore moins d’apporter des propositions thĂ©oriques. Il s’agit plutĂŽt de l’exposĂ© d’un retour d’expĂ©rience d’une doctorante en linguistique ayant passĂ© un peu plus de quatre mois dans un milieu professionnel oĂč les mĂ©tiers de langue sont reconnus et recherchĂ©s.Dans cet article, je vais d’abord essayer de prĂ©senter le secteur Ă©conomique ainsi que la place et la nature de l’activitĂ© de l’entreprise Snips. Ensuite, je parlerai de l’environnement de travail dans lequel j’ai passĂ© l’expĂ©rience en question. Enfin, je vais exposer prĂ©cisĂ©ment ce qu’on attendd’un linguiste dans ce secteur

    Complexité sémantique des constructions de mouvement en chinois contemporain. Contribution à la linguistique cognitive

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    This dissertation deals with the field of cognitive linguistics. Its goal is twofold: on the one hand, to implement empirically some theories in cognitive linguistics by applying and combining them to achieve a description and categorization of Movement Constructions in contemporary Chinese; on the other hand, to contribute to the advancement of cognitive linguistics as a research paradigm in modern linguistics, especially to enrich theories related to cognitive semantics, by providing multidimensional insights on the fabric of movement constructions, and by proposing models accounting for the semantic complexity of these constructs in language. This research proposes a three-dimensional descriptive approach for movement constructions, according to a SE-SS-SI Model, External Structure dimension, Semantic Structure Dimension and Internal Structure Dimension. We also develop a multi-stratum interactive modeling of Motion Constructions based on the essential Meaning-Form relation.Cette thĂšse s’inscrit dans le champ thĂ©orique et empirique de la linguistique cognitive. Son objectif est double : d’une part, concrĂ©tiser de façon empirique certaines thĂ©ories en linguistique cognitive en les appliquant et combinant pour rĂ©aliser une description et une catĂ©gorisation des constructions de mouvement en chinois contemporain, et d’autre part, contribuer Ă  l’avancement de la linguistique cognitive en tant que paradigme de recherches en Sciences du Langage, notamment pour enrichir les thĂ©ories relatives Ă  la sĂ©mantique cognitive, en fournissant une analyse multidimensionnelle des constructions de mouvement, et en proposant des modĂšles susceptibles de rendre compte de la complexitĂ© sĂ©mantique de ces constructions. Ce travail propose une approche descriptive tri-dimensionnelle pour les constructions de mouvement : SE-SS-SI – autrement dit, les dimension de la Structure Externe, de la Structure SĂ©mantique et de la Structure Interne. Ce travail Ă©labore Ă©galement une modĂ©lisation multistratale d’interface des constructions de mouvement basĂ© sur la relation essentielle Sens-Forme, afin d’étudier les interactions entre niveaux d’analyse et les catĂ©gories linguistiques qui leur sont corrĂ©lĂ©es de maniĂšre systĂ©mique

    Semantic complexity of motion constructions in contemporary chinese. Contribution to cognitive linguistics

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    Cette thĂšse s’inscrit dans le champ thĂ©orique et empirique de la linguistique cognitive. Son objectif est double : d’une part, concrĂ©tiser de façon empirique certaines thĂ©ories en linguistique cognitive en les appliquant et combinant pour rĂ©aliser une description et une catĂ©gorisation des constructions de mouvement en chinois contemporain, et d’autre part, contribuer Ă  l’avancement de la linguistique cognitive en tant que paradigme de recherches en Sciences du Langage, notamment pour enrichir les thĂ©ories relatives Ă  la sĂ©mantique cognitive, en fournissant une analyse multidimensionnelle des constructions de mouvement, et en proposant des modĂšles susceptibles de rendre compte de la complexitĂ© sĂ©mantique de ces constructions. Ce travail propose une approche descriptive tri-dimensionnelle pour les constructions de mouvement : SE-SS-SI – autrement dit, les dimension de la Structure Externe, de la Structure SĂ©mantique et de la Structure Interne. Ce travail Ă©labore Ă©galement une modĂ©lisation multistratale d’interface des constructions de mouvement basĂ© sur la relation essentielle Sens-Forme, afin d’étudier les interactions entre niveaux d’analyse et les catĂ©gories linguistiques qui leur sont corrĂ©lĂ©es de maniĂšre systĂ©mique.This dissertation deals with the field of cognitive linguistics. Its goal is twofold: on the one hand, to implement empirically some theories in cognitive linguistics by applying and combining them to achieve a description and categorization of Movement Constructions in contemporary Chinese; on the other hand, to contribute to the advancement of cognitive linguistics as a research paradigm in modern linguistics, especially to enrich theories related to cognitive semantics, by providing multidimensional insights on the fabric of movement constructions, and by proposing models accounting for the semantic complexity of these constructs in language. This research proposes a three-dimensional descriptive approach for movement constructions, according to a SE-SS-SI Model, External Structure dimension, Semantic Structure Dimension and Internal Structure Dimension. We also develop a multi-stratum interactive modeling of Motion Constructions based on the essential Meaning-Form relation

    Identification of Villages’ Development Types Using a Comprehensive Natural–Socioeconomic Framework

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    The establishment of a comprehensive framework to identify village development types is crucial to formulate plans for rural development and promote rural revitalization. This study proposed a natural–socioeconomic framework to identify the types of villages based on field survey, statistical data, and multi-source remote sensing images. The framework was constructed by combining the two-dimensional natural suitability/restriction evaluation and the four-dimensional socioeconomic development level evaluation. Then, the modified multiplication-weighted summation method and the coupling coordination degree algorithm were employed to identify the villages’ development types. A total of 774 villages of the Laiyang County, eastern China were used as the study areas to examine the framework. The results demonstrated the following. (1) There were 243,318 and 151 villages with high, moderate, low natural suitability, and 62 villages with natural restrictions; and 158,366 and 250 villages with high, moderate, and low economic development level, respectively. The distribution characteristic of natural evaluation was “high in the southwest and low in the northeast”, and the socioeconomic development level was generally centered on the urban area, which presented a “high–medium–low” circle-layer distribution structure. (2) There were 247 villages with high-level coupling coordination, 464 villages with intermediate coupling coordination, 1 village with low-level coupling coordination, and 62 villages with disordered coupling. (3) Based on the coupling coordination evaluation results, villages in the study area were grouped into five types: urbanization development (31%), construction development (16%), agglomeration linkage development (27%), decrease and improvement development (18%), and relocation and integration development (8%). The framework of villages’ development types identification established in this study can enrich the theory of rural geography, and the applied research results can provide a basis for rural revitalization and development planning

    Routing Protocol Based on Link Reliability for WSN

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    AbstractIn this paper, defining link reliability strategy constructed by remain energy, and communication cost of nodes as topology weight to synthetically reflect the energy efficiency of dominator, an Energy-radio and communication cost route (ECCR) is proposed to solve the problem that the average energy consumption in cluster and minimum communication cost. We take node residual energy and distance between sink and node to compete cluster head, at the same time, in order to reduce the cluster head energy costs, link reliability and hop is used to establish topology. The experimental results show that the algorithm not only has the energy saved characters, but also ensures the reliability of topology links and extends the network life-cycle efficiently

    Ontogenetic Development of Gill and Na<sup>+</sup>/K<sup>+</sup> ATPase in the Air-Breathing Loach

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    This study aimed to explore the gill developmental mechanism of the high mortality rate of Paramisgurnus dabryanus larvae in the early life-history process. Based on histological observations with a optical microscope, we studied the ontogeny of the gill of P. dabryanus. The result indicated that external gills first appeared 12 h after hatching. The number of external branchial filaments greatly increased at 2 d after hatching (DAH). The internal branchial filament primordial was formed in the oropharyngeal cavity at 5 DAH. At 9 DAH, none of external branchial filaments were observed outside, but the fish operculum was completed covered. From 15 DAH forward, the filaments and lamellae of gills increased in number and length prominently, and the gills of the larvae were similar to those of juvenile fish. The specific activities of Na+/K+-ATPase steadily increased from 0 to 12 DAH and peaked at 15 DAH. After 15 DAH, the specific activities of Na+/K+-ATPase slightly decreased and then tended to remain steadily stable until the end of the experiment. There were abundant gill lamellae on the gill filaments at 40 DAH. The sensitive period of the development of larval and juvenile P. dabryanus was from 6 to 15 DAH. Our results provide information that may be useful for improving our understanding of the life history and ecology of loaches

    Extraction and Detection of Surface Defects in Particleboards by Tracking Moving Targets

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    Considering the linear motion of particleboards in the production line, the detection of surface defects in particleboards is a major challenge. In this paper, a method based on moving target tracking is proposed for the detection of surface defects in particleboards. To achieve this, the kernel correlation filter (KCF) target tracking algorithm was modified with the median flow algorithm and used to capture the moving targets of surface defects. The defect images were extracted by a Sobel operator, and the defect number, the defect area, and the degree of damage were calculated. The level of surface defect in particleboards was evaluated by fuzzy pattern recognition. Experiments were then carried out to prove the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method
